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Duo Karparov/Stawinski

modern jazz music with the vitality, rhythm and ornamentation of Bulgarian folk music

Both virtuoso instrumentalists are also prominent composers and arrangers. Their music is characterized by the fusion of modern jazz music with the vitality, rhythm and ornamentation of Bulgarian folk music. Piano and saxophone – Daniel and Vladimir are masters of their music instruments. By the variety and power of their playing they give the audience the feeling of being in front of a complete symphony orchestra. Harmonious and percussive sounds mix with soulful melodies, breathtaking pianissimo and then suddenly a goose bumps fortissimo.

Vladimir Karparov (soprano and tenor saxophone)

Daniel Stawinski (piano)

Daniel and Vladimir also play together in the Balkan Spirit Ensemble. In this quintet folk traditions from the Balkans merge with the more explorative and spontaneous language of Jazz. For more information, please go to:


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